Saturday, August 29, 2009

Primary temple trip!

The Albert Lea Branch Primary traveled to the St. Paul/Minneapolis temple today!

Here's the whole group!

When we got back

The day after we got back from our trip, we had all sorts of vegetables awaiting us in our garden! :) Needless to say, we had to give some away!

Trip: Part Four: Our day trip to Estes Park, Colo.

On Friday when we were in Colorado, we went to Estes Park, which is about an hour or so away from Fort Collins through the mountains.
When we got there, we went to eat lunch and then we went to this little area where they had all sorts of rides and things for kids to enjoy!
They had a little train that even Sophie enjoyed one time! Here's Jason's sister, Melissa, and our niece Anna and nephew Isaac, and Jason of course.

Sophie :)
They had go-carts

Bumper boats
Bumper cars
On the way back we stopped to take a few pictures. Here's me and Jason

Trip: Part Three: Miscellaneous Colorado

The three musketeers when we were out and about in Fort Collins
Jason and Sophie in front of this Andy Warhol Campbell's Tomato soup can at CSU
Horsetooth in Fort Collins

Monday, August 24, 2009

Trip: Part Two: CSU flower gardens

One of the earlier days in the week, we thought we would go to these flower training gardens for the horticulture students at Colorado State University so that Sophie could see all the pretty colors! Plus I wanted to see all the different types of flowers and get some other ideas for my flower gardening next year! (Mom would have loved this!)
Here's Sophie frolicking around!
Here's one end of the garden. There were probably three times as many flowers as this in the whole area, each labeled with what specific kind of flower they were.
Here's Jason and Sophie (Jason doesn't look too happy, but it was his suggestion to go there!)
Sophie trying to figure out which way to go near the potted plants.
Close-up of Sophie. She's thinking, "No more pics, Mom!"
(How do they get these so big!?)
Sophie relaxing in the stroller!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trip: Part One

So we just got back from our trip to Utah and Colorado! Here's some pics from the few days in Utah! (In reverse order)

Sophie and daddy in the park!
Mom and Sophie at the park
Later that day we went to a park and had a barbeque. Here's Jessica and Sophie on the slide (note Sophie's face)
Korban :)
The three musketeers
View of Temple Square from the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Inside the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Kim and Troy and the kids!

Jason took these pictures of a few of the paintings in the visitors center at Temple Square
Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist
The next day we went to Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City. Here's the temple!
Here's Jessica and Sophie at the Olive Garden where we went to dinner that first night!
Y Mountain at BYU. When we got to Salt Lake City, Jessica picked us up from the airport and we went down to Provo for a while!

Sophie conquering the airport on our way out of Minneapolis!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Travis Tritt concert

On Saturday night, Jason and I went to the Travis Tritt concert at our fair here in Freeborn County because I had to cover it for the newspaper. Here's a pic Jason got!

Temple trip

This is a few weeks old, but I thought I'd put it on there anyway. It's from our trip to the St. Paul Temple a few weeks ago!

We went up with the youth.